Kratom disease identification

I've lost one tree to this disease whatever it may be.

And I have another that is in the process of dying. It seems to die from the end of the branches inward one branch at a time.

It seems to be attacking the bark or that layer between the bark and the tree not really sure. The bark splits and looks like it's eating away.

I should note that I had a Japanese plum we're also called a loquat tree in this spot that died a few years ago from what look like to be the same shit. Up to this point I've tried everything I could think of as far as sprays and now I'm just letting it go to see if this one happens to survive. It does manage to produce a new growth in spots. Any input?



Ahh man. Thanks for posting this.

I had an absolute horror run thru my garden. Took out 5 or 6 large trees like nothing. They just started rotting in-word once we started getting some light rains after the drought. 

If it wasn't for coming up with a way to propagate I'd lose interest entirely due to the difficulty procuring different genetics (guywithtrees has traveled the entire state to snap up new trees).

I was able to save two by digging them up and moving to pots but I also had at least two die in pot.

What really bothers me is 3 of the trees that died were showing healthy regrowth after the drought. Money has been very tight so I haven't been able to feed them at all.

I haven't seen any bark splitting here. But it is making me think that the reduced rain fall from the drought and the overflow of water that is coming in now has something to do with it. The ones I lost felt like they turned to sponge. 

It only went for the weakest trees, such as the ones that dropped all leaf during the winter.

This is a long shot but here are a few diseases that affect loquat trees in Florida. Bacterial fire blight does look like it can create cankers similar to what you have on the Kratom tree. 


Numerous fungal pathogens attack loquat. The major disease in Florida is called fire blight (Erwinia amylovora), it kills branches and trees in the US. Treatment of fire blight includes removal (pruning) and disposal of affected branches and application of fungicides. Excessive nitrogen applications increase the susceptibility of loquat trees to fire blight. Many other minor diseases have been reported to attack, loquat including Pythophthora (crown rot), Psuedomonas eriobtoryae (cankers), scab, Diplodia natalensis (collar and root rot), and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (anthracnose).

oh no!!! That's not good!!!! 

copy this from a gardening page.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for fire blight, therefore, the best fire blight remedies are regular pruning and removal of any infected stems or branches. It may also help to avoid overhead irrigation, as water splashing is one of the most common ways to spread the infection.

 Looks like my only safe recourse will be to dig up the tree and get rid of it

@roadkill I’ve seen a few references to fighting fire blight with sulfate fungicides and/or streptomycin sulfate. Here’s a link to a ferti-lome product that contains the latter and has decent reviews. 

Fertilome Fire Blight Spray, 2 Ounces