Document Type: Notice
Title: International Drug Scheduling; Convention on Psychotropic Substances; Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs; 4F-MDMB-BICA (4FMDMB-BUTICA); Brorphine; Metonitazene; Eutylone (bk-EBDB); BMDP (3,4-Methylenedioxy-Nbenzylcathinone); Kratom (mitragynine, 7-hydroxymitragynine); Phenibut; Request for Comments
Document ID: FDA-2021-N-0739-0001

I saw an article online yesterday. The FDA is accepting comments from the Kratom Community on their views on Kratom.

Everyone who supports Kratom, including the retailers and growers should voice their opinions.

do you have the aka link to it? from what i understand they don't have to accept any of the comments that come thru this link. 

Should The Psychoactive Herb Kratom Be Banned Globally? The FDA Seeks Public Comments

Here is the original article

Here is the link in the article


@patrickc Thank you for sharin this. If you were in Florida I'd offer you a tree

Thank you, but it's ok. I tried growing several of the cuttings and none of them took root.

BTW - I hope everyone passes this link around and posts their comments.

I kept my reply simple and spoke of my good experiences with Kratom vs pharma drugs.