7 seed pods on my 3 month cutting
SubstanceTheSqid liked this
These pictures are expletively amazing! :D I can't wait to get some flowers on mine... I ought to mess around with lighting schedules in the tent. Maybe push it to 14-16 hours light for a few days or weeks, then pull it back to 11-13? Someday we'll get it all figured out.
So pretty! I have never seen a plant before these photos!!
@Kim I'd recommend you check this out. Here is a timeline of how kratom seed pods develop https://youtu.be/QqTd18xtGDo

@Issy Was there any update to this? Did the seed pods start developing?

@guywithtrees No real updates. None of the flowers bloomed at the same time so I was not able to get any of them pollinated. As for the cutting, it continues to develop pod after pod. I have resorted to pruning them because it's spending so much energy on making flowers that it's not producing much growth. 

I want the plant to grow in height and become more of a tree. Not sure what I should do. Should I prune the branches?

Here is a picture of today. I didn't check on it for a couple of days so there's a flower and an additional 2-3 pods in the developing stage. 

I'm sorry to hear that. Those pedals are the final stage to pollinate. To bad they are coming off the seed pod. Its to late to pollinate them now. But if you want it to get big quick I would just leave it alone for now. Wait a year at least before pruning. There isn't a lot of plant matter on the little guy compared to a tree so any loss is a significant loss. 

@Issy oh no i just re read your comment about removing the pods. Dont remove them or prune the cutting. its not worth it so young. Just let it grow naturally untill it gets bigger.