I wanted to know if anyone ou

I wanted to know if anyone out there has some advice for me. I have currently been on Suboxone for about eight years now I take 8mg a day. I really really want to get off of them but the problem is that in the past couple of times that I tried to come off of them the withdrawals were worse than any other kind of opiate withdrawal that I've ever been through I mean it was hell on earth.I'm talking it lasted well over a month  and since then I've been too scared and then I started doing research about Kratom. From what I've read it helped a lot of people through opiate withdrawals.  the only problem is is I don't know if I'm supposed to take the Kratom while I'm still on the Suboxone and just cut down on the Suboxone or if I'm supposed to just stop the Suboxone cold turkey and just take the Kratom. A lot of people talk about how it's helped but no one really explains how you're supposed to go about doing it and what the process is so if anyone out there has ever gone through what I'm going through and haswrong  . it please I would appreciate any advice or suggestions that you may have. This is all very new to me and I don't want to mess it up and I'm scared that I'm going to do something wrong.

Thank you so much!

You make an absolutely fantastic point lots of antedotes but doesn't appear to be much as in protocols on how to actually apply Kratom practically.

It's hard to know when saying too much might cause harm in someone else. But I can't help but think that some sort of taper and taking kratom as needed to ensure you can still sleep and work/ take care of your needs day today is good place to start.

You are in the right place and asking all the right questions. Can I ask what is causing you to want to discontinue the Suboxone?

last edited by will

I'm trying to get off at them because I'm 46 years old and I don't want to be 60 and still taking Suboxone..lol


Kratom is a huge step down then but even then I'll take it 3x a day but I suffer from pain issues due to injuries

Have you tried kratom yet?. 

plus I know eventually I'll have to stop taking them and like I said before the withdrawal rule is so severe that I want to try to Kratom to see if it will help because I have kids and I can't afford to be in bed for a month last time I tried to detox from Suboxone I only lasted about 7 days because it was so awful. Regular opiates like pain pills or heroin you only withdraw for 3 or 4 days but with suboxone the withdrawals can last up to a month and that scares the s*** out of me

I haven't tried the Kratom yet because I'm still on Suboxone I'm trying to taper down and then I figured when I'm all out of the Suboxone I will try the Kratom for their withdrawals I came up with that myself because no one can really tell me how else to do it

Definitely try it before then. You might be surprised, I know I was. Especially when I began making those early teas.

Red veins are associated with pain relief and relaxation. So keep an eye out for a leaf with those properties. 

I remember reading about a doctor that treated a fent addict with large amounts of kratom tea and posted a report on erowid. I'll see if I can dig it out. 

last edited by will

Hi Massgirl,

Nobody mentions how it’s done because that by doing so, we are practicing medicine without a license.  There were some instructional videos on YouTube a while ago and then they vanished (censorship is here already, world).  You can definitely start planning your steps down and I don’t know anything about that stuff except withdrawal is awful and staying on is expensive.  
I do know that you must get down to 2 (I think it’s mg or strip).  I recommend you not be IN A HURRY because you’re just “done with the whole thing“.  That’s often the case.  You gotta think about investing time working on improving YOUR LIFE.  It’s a rather large commitment.  

I’m not the greatest with this program and how it runs, but the team is helping me learn.  

Anyway you have a lot to process before you worry about how much kratom to use.  Kratom is not comparable with the precise timing some people do have.  Kratom is rather fluid and clock watching is not necessary.  

Think about it.



voice of reason, thank you for checking in Laurie. 

@massgirl have you tried searching on Reddit? There’s a great deal of info including first hand experiences that you may find helpful.

I remember someone here suggested you try kratom in advance.  That’s a good idea to familiarize with the supplement in advance.It’s been helpful for most when you reach 2.  YouTube was a good place for instructions until it was all wiped.  I betcha new stuff is posted there.  Take a look?  

hi. I too went off subs. I went down to 4mgs and then jumped! Only Kratom. It's been two years. I feel like I'm me again after so so many years. There was an intense fear of missing an appointment and going without. It is hell in itself. 

I don't know enough about this platform to know how to have you contact me. I can tell you what I did. I've never been sorry!