We Are, Most of Us, Designed to Be Healthy -- So What's Causing So Much Ill-Health?

Most causes of illness and eventually death are self-inflicted. This is especially true for Type-2 diabetics, which in the USA has traditionally been blamed on a diet too rich in refined carbohydrates and fats.

We, who for various reasons, are susceptible to a craving for sugary foods, alcohol, and/or refined flour products, are told we should quit these items and get more exercise, but we aren't informed by most MDs what is missing in our diet that is causing our problem.

When we look around us, most are able to consume these foods and drinks and apparently aren't harmed, but -- looking at the longer-term resulting weight gain almost all those on this Westernized mass-produced processed diet -- we find we all are at risk.

So, what can we do about this slow "death-by-improper-diet?

Not only is it hard to diagnose the cause, but it's hard to quit the foods that are causing us the metabolic/cognitive problems, when these foods are hard to avoid.

"After all, we must eat something" we tell ourselves -- and sales messages like this one (below) are everywhere and sugars are known to be more habit-forming than cocaine."

Here's an ad that highlights the subliminal programming the sugar (a legal drug for children everywhere) industry used on me today: "#MMsTogether: This year we’re proving almost any situation can be better with M&M’S."

Using willpower alone is not sufficient to prevent us from relapsing. What I've found -- the missing ingredients in our modern mass-produced processed foods -- are the trace minerals Chromium and Vanadium, plus the other essential co-factors in a balanced supplement formula, are what my body was missing.

There are herbs, among them kratom, which will (together with the above-mentioned full-spectrum nutrients) help release us from carb-addiction. It doesn't surprise me that kratom is a traditional medicinal herb for those Thai peasants who develop diabetes.

It has always been surprising to me that the U.S. FDA chooses to "gaslight" kratom by calling it a "legal high" -- a practice which misleads those with abusive tendencies to (not surprisingly) abuse kratom, take absurd quantities, get violently nauseous, and rush to the Emergency Room, producing another statistic the FDA can point to in its campaign to prohibit kratom use.

My point is: We have a Food Industry that produces unhealthy, nutrient-deficient foods and our Medical Industry, for the most part, knows little about how this "defective" food causes our many illnesses, so they don't inform us.

This is "good business" for Big Pharma, because it prevents most people from learning how simple & inexpensive good health could be if the Public only had access to correct information about scientific nutrition, including facts about the healthy uses of herbs! (Ah, but there's no money for Pharma in that!)

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