American Kratom Veterans Day Coupon

American Kratom Veterans Day Coupon  - As a thank you to all the men and women and their families that sacrifice for this country. We are running a 25% off sale with promocode: HERO. Ending Nov 14th, 12:00am. Thank you for your service.

American Kratom Veterans Day CouponAmerican Kratom Veterans Day Coupon

I tried to post a new message, but could not because the app wanted me to pick a category. However, I couldn't.  I've been out of the loop with so much going on, but trying to stay active in the community, signing petitions and such. The new doctor is finally figuring out what is wrong with me and why I've been in so much pain. I still use the tea when I have a flair up and it really helps me get through the day.

Glad this community is still here for support!

@patrickc That's great man! Glad to see you back on. :)