Beating the demon alcohol.
Daily drinker for 20+ years. Kratom has taken away the urge to drink. Most days with it I have to ask myself if I have even thought about a drink. So far the answer has been 95% , nope.
@chris-hammond I am begging my husband to try kratom for his alcoholism. But I also understand as the adult child of an alcoholic, who's 27 years sober in June, that until he's READY to quit drinking, nothing can make him do that. I'm inspired, however, when I see how kratom can be such a help once a person is honestly ready to give sobriety a real shot. God bless! Thanks for sharing! Aundria
Congratulations @Chris! Good luck Aundria, if we can help, let us know.
@chris-hammond Hi, I'm all too familiar with demon alcohol. Also took Vicodin. I now have cirrhosis. I nearly died from it. I'm so glad you wised up before something really bad happened. I detest 12 step mtgs. Kratom has been incredible for me and I'm glad it's working out for you too. This little herb, may be the answer to many to many maladies, and I hope the FDA will keep it's paws off of us!
@chris-hammond @Dijon-Evans @Shelly-Atkinson Hello Chris: Yours is an incredible story and an even more compelling argument for why my state, OHIO, should NOT schedule Kratom next month. First of all, I want to whole-heartedly congratulate you on kicking the alcohol demon. You drank for a considerable length of time. I am including my fellow Ohioan on this post, Shelly, because she seems to indicate that she has endured a similar addition, alcohol and Vicodin. I congratulate both of you on your strength of character to walk through that jungle of addiction and find the solution in Kratom to come out the other side with your life. You both have my utmost respect. I sincerely mean that. Now, here is a thought for anyone rebutting the scheduling decision for Ohio (or any state or the Federal government in the US); we know that long-term use of alcohol can alter the way the brain actually works (neurotransmission mechanisms). Therefore, if Kratom can ameliorate that damage and eliminate the addition craving, then the method with which that is done NEEDS TO BE STUDIED for the improvement of humankind. However, scheduling Kratom discourages funding for academic projects to study these kinds of important topics. As I have said in other posts, my personal 'issues' that Kratom has helped me with go far beyond painful hands as I initially revealed. I am obsessing a bit over what Ohio is going to do at the beginning of March. I am just hoping and praying it is not a draconian move. With considerable humbleness and respect for both Chris and Shelly, Steve
@chris-hammond Welcome to our community, Chris ... ![0_1549397338903_welcome.gif]( Congratulations on beating one of the worst demons we have in our culture! Please keep in mind that while our precious Leaf helped you to free yourself, it was your determination & strength that *ultimately* made your "get-away" successful!!! ![0_1549397290922_cool.png](
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