I have worked as much as my damaged brain allows to keep our plant legal. I live in California on Lake Nacimiento. Making the 6+ hour trip to participate in n the Sacramento Rally was worth every second of discomfort and I really just want to continue the battle!
Thank you for having me
:welcomewave: Dawna! I am glad to hear you were at the CA rally as I hear it was good. Glad to have you on the forum and in the fight! It sounds like you have some great experiences to share.
@'Dawna Thurber':
> I have worked as much as my damaged brain allows to keep our plant legal. I live in California on Lake Nacimiento. Making the 6+ hour trip to participate in n the Sacramento Rally was worth every second of discomfort and I really just want to continue the battle!
Hello Dawna & welcome to the forum … :welcomewave: It is always a real pleasure to meet an enthusiastic kratom advocate which obviously you are! All of the American Kratom Advocacy Alerts & Announcements are posted in the "Kratom Advocacy" section right below this one at the same time that they are released on our FB pages & groups, give or take a few minutes, lol.