Aloha, I was diagnosed with a very painful incurable bone disease Alkaptoria/Ochronosis where all the joint and disc cartilage is eaten away and I have bones grinding against bones, being located in my neck on down my back= its painful to do most everything. There is no known cure for this disease and because of that, I have had to take pain pills for the last twenty years since being diagnosed, I am writing you because I want to cut down my pain pill use and hopefully one day come off them completely, I hate putting man-made chemicals into my body, I have been praying for so long that I might find a natural way to deal with the pain of this disease! PLEASE can you tell me which kind of Kratom to by for my pain I do not want to feel wiped out or drugged I only take pain pills so I can do my daily chores - move, walk, talk , sit at computer without debilitating pain, being in pain for so long - I have also become depressed , so the last thing I want is to take something that will take more of my energy than what being in pain already does.
Oh forgive me! I do not mean to carry on I am just so excited that maybe my prayers have been answered and I have found a natural way to deal with my pain - so I can live a normal life! Can you refer me to the best most reliable sellers for buying the Kratom? And which kind is best ,, from what I have read the red kind sounds best But who and where do I buy the kind I need and since I have never tried it before can you help me know which one might best work for me? I thank you so mucho much for your time and help in this matter - I appreciate the info you put online ,
Mahalo Nui Loa, - I thank you with all my heart for your kind help,GiGi Brandford
New to kratom need help find honest reliable sellers
@'Gigi Brandford':
> Aloha, I was diagnosed with a very painful incurable bone disease Alkaptoria/Ochronosis where all the joint and disc cartilage is eaten away and I have bones grinding against bones, being located in my neck on down my back= its painful to do most everything. There is no known cure for this disease and because of that, I have had to take pain pills for the last twenty years since being diagnosed, I am writing you because I want to cut down my pain pill use and hopefully one day come off them completely, I hate putting man-made chemicals into my body, I have been praying for so long that I might find a natural way to deal with the pain of this disease! PLEASE can you tell me which kind of Kratom to by for my pain I do not want to feel wiped out or drugged I only take pain pills so I can do my daily chores - move, walk, talk , sit at computer without debilitating pain, being in pain for so long - I have also become depressed , so the last thing I want is to take something that will take more of my energy than what being in pain already does.
> Oh forgive me! I do not mean to carry on I am just so excited that maybe my prayers have been answered and I have found a natural way to deal with my pain - so I can live a normal life! Can you refer me to the best most reliable sellers for buying the Kratom? And which kind is best ,, from what I have read the red kind sounds best But who and where do I buy the kind I need and since I have never tried it before can you help me know which one might best work for me? I thank you so mucho much for your time and help in this matter - I appreciate the info you put online ,
> Mahalo Nui Loa, - I thank you with all my heart for your kind help,GiGi Brandford
First, let me say, Welcome to the forum, Gigi … ![]( Second, no need to apologize, this is why we are all here, Ok?
The best strains for you to try will be Reds, such as; Red Indo, Red Sunda & Red Bali. Reds are the best for pain, however, there are some very good Greens as well, such as; Super Green Bali & Green Malay. Members are free to recommend specific vendors by PM. My best advice is when you have decided on a vendor is to buy sample packs so that you can test out the different strains to see which ones best address your symptoms. I have listed some of my favorites but I found them by testing out a variety of strains & also by trying different vendors. I know it sounds complicated but it really isn't so bad. Kratom has saved me not once but twice so I can honestly attest to it's amazing potential. Without going into the story right now; the first time was for pain associated with a broken for which I had lumbar fusion surgery; the second time, I was overcome with paralyzing anxiety that left me nearly nonfunctional as in, I could not drive, make even the simplest decisions, sleep was nearly nonexistent, I was reduced to a frozen spectator. Kratom gave me the freedom to participate in my own life, I am here & I am a participant, not just a spectator. See what I did, Gigi? I carried on, lol!
Once you have a vendor or vendors & you are ready to order we will be glad to help you choose your test strains & once you receive your samples we can help you determine how to take it, how much to take & how often. Yes, there is some trial & error but once you find what many of us call you "sweet spot", which is dose & frequency, you will understand why so many of us have become such passionate advocates.
I would like to also give you the link to the American Kratom Association "Kratom Consumers group" on FB which is specifically for questions such as the ones you have & will have. I know your name & will watch for your Member Request. The more help the better, right?
Here is the link to the "Kratom Consumers group" on FB …
_As I said, I will watch for you there …_
> First, let me say, Welcome to the forum, Gigi … ![]( Second, no need to apologize, this is why we are all here, Ok?
> The best strains for you to try will be Reds, such as; Red Indo, Red Sunda & Red Bali. Reds are the best for pain, however, there are some very good Greens as well, such as; Super Green Bali & Green Malay. Members are free to recommend specific vendors by PM. My best advice is when you have decided on a vendor is to buy sample packs so that you can test out the different strains to see which ones best address your symptoms. I have listed some of my favorites but I found them by testing out a variety of strains & also by trying different vendors. I know it sounds complicated but it really isn't so bad. Kratom has saved me not once but twice so I can honestly attest to it's amazing potential. Without going into the story right now; the first time was for pain associated with a broken for which I had lumbar fusion surgery; the second time, I was overcome with paralyzing anxiety that left me nearly nonfunctional as in, I could not drive, make even the simplest decisions, sleep was nearly nonexistent, I was reduced to a frozen spectator. Kratom gave me the freedom to participate in my own life, I am here & I am a participant, not just a spectator. See what I did, Gigi? I carried on, lol!
> Once you have a vendor or vendors & you are ready to order we will be glad to help you choose your test strains & once you receive your samples we can help you determine how to take it, how much to take & how often. Yes, there is some trial & error but once you find what many of us call you "sweet spot", which is dose & frequency, you will understand why so many of us have become such passionate advocates.
> I would like to also give you the link to the American Kratom Association "Kratom Consumers group" on FB which is specifically for questions such as the ones you have & will have. I know your name & will watch for your Member Request. The more help the better, right?
> Here is the link to the "Kratom Consumers group" on FB …
> [****](
> _As I said, I will watch for you there …_
OH thank you so much for your kindness! I'll check it out, I did order some from two different places online , but then the more I read the more frustrating it felt not knowing who to send my money to not knowing what to ask for and how much I would need Oh I did order a variety pack to try - My great great grandmother actually worked with plants - a roots doctor Well she did heal folks with plants, herbs, roots and stuff People came far and wide ta get her healings I WISH I had paid more attention, but ,I am trying to now. Do you have any one store you buy from that is safe and has good Kratom - from what I read there are places online that sell very poor quality kine, and I not a rich woman Would be so nice to at least know where to go….then I can figure out what to get and how much ....Whoa! what a adventure , I just want to be able to find what ya call it sweet spot ?? meaning freedom spot?? Mahalo for all your info its great help....Oh is there some reason people don't like telling other people where they buy kratom from??? I don't understand when I find a good honest seller with quality items online {I work with gems and crystals beads} -I always luv to share where I found them guess its different with this - I'll try go the link ya gave me =maybe someone there will tell me a safe online store , I'm in Hawaii - Mahalo Nui Loa Gigi
> :welcomewave: Gigi! Itza is giving good advice, when your kratom arrives pop in and you can get all the advice you would ever need to get to your "freedom spot" as you say. As to suggesting vendors, many of us use great vendors that we trust and have great products. And they can be shared via PM. But the goal is to keep this a safe space where we can talk to each other about kratom without any distractions from people who might have ulterior motives. We can talk about your issues and thoughts without vendors interjecting that they can sell you the best or the cheapest or they have exactly what you need that no one else can get. We can talk without interruption and you know when we suggest something that we have no financial incentive to suggest it. Its like a wildlife preserve :blush: you don't have to watch out for hunters while you are at the watering hole.
Aloha'oe, I thank you , it took me a minute to figure everything out…... But, I think I am on the right track now, giving my gratitude for all the kind people who gave me their kind advice.
@'Gigi Brandford':
> Aloha'oe, I thank you , it took me a minute to figure everything out…... But, I think I am on the right track now, giving my gratitude for all the kind people who gave me their kind advice.
I am so pleased that you have been able to find the assistance you were looking for, Gigi. I do see that you did, indeed, join our Kratom Consumers group & have connected to some very knowledgeable, supportive & caring people in the group so I can assure you that you are in very good hands. If you have any questions, please, never hesitate to ask, Ok?