@'Karl Strudel': > Hello designerkratom, > > How are you. Thank you for your interest. > > I have been taking kratom since the beginning of January. Only 2 teaspoons 3 times a week. It's great for me. At the end of February I had a check-up, with the GGT 160 instead of a maximum of 55 and the leucocytes 10150 instead of a maximum of 10000\. I dol not take any medication except Thyrex for Hashimoto. Then I did not take kratom for 3 weeks and my lab values were fine again. I asked 7 doctors in Vienna for advice and they always said that they do not know Kratom. I am unsure because I do not know how to proceed. Can I take kratom again? Do you have any advice for me? > > Karl > > * * * > > thank you itzatwist too. > > Karl Karl, may I ask you, what were your test results upon the repeat test after you received the GGT of 160? When a liver function test varies that greatly (from normal to 160) the Liver Function Panel is repeated to rule out lab &/or clerical error. Also, what did your physicians have to say about this? Thank You for letting us know that you are dealing with Hashimoto's because knowing that makes your situation far more clear. I am going in search of several articles that I know I have stashed somewhere, to explain why I just said that. For now, you do know that with Hashimoto’s the liver & thyroid Affect each other in many areas, right? Thyroid hormone affects detoxification pathways in the liver & affects insulin growth factor & cytochrome P450 enzymes which metabolize lots of drugs & environmental toxins. When this slows you can have toxins build up. Very high levels of thyroid hormone (T3) can raise bilirubin levels and can actually be toxic to the liver because it damages mitochondria. The following are a few ways you can help your liver, & indirectly, your thyroid. > _**Ginger:** this common food contains chemicals that have been shown to increase bile secretion and to reduce cholesterol levels by up regulating an enzyme responsible for bile acid production (cholesterol-7-alpha-hydorxylase)._ > _**Dandelion:** The root of this common weed promotes the production of bile and its delivery to the gall bladder. It causes the gall bladder to contract and release bile._ > > _**Milk Thistle:** This herb increases the solubility of bile and has been shown to significantly lower cholesterol concentrations in the gall bladder. It has potent anti-oxidant activity which supports detoxification and it prevents depletion of glutathione in the liver, which is often depleted in people with Hashimoto’s.
> It also has anti-inflammatory properties and it promotes protein synthesis to replace damaged liver cells._ > > _**Panax ginseng:** This herb has been shown in several studies to have numerous positive impacts on liver function. It has been shown to reverse fatty liver in animals and can be really helpful in cleaning toxins out of the liver. It also has really important benefits for the immune system like promoting Kupffer cells (specialized immune cells located in the liver) and can be beneficial in balancing the immune system by increasing key proteins like IL-8._ As for your leukocytes test result, that is not surprising given the fact that you are dealing with effects of Hashimoto's on your body. You see, our bodies adjust our WBC levels up in response to any number of stimuli from fighting off a cold to an infected tooth to a physical stressor such as the effects of Hashimoto's. Make sense? Please keep in mind that none of us here, including myself & DK, are physicians, you should never lose sight of that, Karl. Please do not mistake opinion for anything more than it is, ok? _I am going in search of those articles … wish me well, lol!_
Hi Itzatwist, thx for all. My GGT was 160, leucotytes 10150, on February 20\. I took 1 teaspoon Kratom 12 hours befote the test. Then I didnt take Kratom until March 8. On that day my GGT was 55, my leutocytes 7500. Karl
@'Karl Strudel': > Hi Itzatwist, > > thx for all. My GGT was 160, leucotytes 10150, on February 20\. I took 1 teaspoon Kratom 12 hours befote the test. > > Then I didnt take Kratom until March 8. > > On that day my GGT was 55, my leutocytes 7500. > > Karl Karl, I want to assure you that I have not forgotten you & your predicament. I am searching for members of our community, the kratom community, who also suffer from Hashimoto's. I believe that the best way to help you is to introduce you to others who also have to deal with Hashimoto's. I can lay out all of the reasons that I don't believe that kratom is, in any way, responsible for your temporary spike in GGT levels but I think my point would get lost in all of the in-depth studies & research that I have read on the subject of the effects of kratom on liver function. This is especially true considering that you are dealing with a condition, Hashimoto's, that by itself can have profound effects on liver function. No, I believe that you would benefit far more from being to conversate with someone or someones who are dealing with the same condition as you. Please don't lose hope, ok?
i do know milk thistle is a great liver detoxifier. also in regards to cortisone and kratom. not sure if anabolic steroids and cortisone are in the same arena with these things but i know a few guys that take anabolic steroids and kratom. they are and will be life long steroid users as they chose to be on for life. so they get lab work every 2 months or so like most professional bodybuilders and lab work comes back ok. also, cordyceps mushrooms are know to be a great detox amongst many other benefits are anyone getting these labs alcohol drinkers? recovering addicts from narcotics? previous unknown or known health conditions? over weight/obese? alot of people that voice concern with these sort of things sometimes lead unhealthy lives. fast food, processed boxed food, soda, booze, sugar, etc. not accusing you or coming at you. just curious to all the moving parts. most of the time, peoples general health is at risk from poor diet and lifestyle also, i had a full panel of blood work done in november of 2017\. i have been using anywhere from 15-22grams of kratom per day for the better part of 4 years before this lab work. everything came back normal. i do take care of myself though. probably extreme by most peoples standards but i am vegan, i won't touch soda or sugar drinks if you paid me. no processed foods. everything is whole food. only thing i drink is water. lemon water. or chlorophyll water (just started this) idk, maybe i'm lucky. maybe time will tell. i know my story could be what it is or still snorting (4) oxy 80s a day. can't imagine the 10 year oxy addiction did my liver any favors. (8) years clean though
Karl, I would like you to revisit your "Kratom & Liver" thread from March as there are a lot of excellent comments on this same subject … [****](
Servus Karl :) wir hatten Besuch aus Deutschland und ich war dadurch eine Weile lang ziemlich vereinnahmt (kaum Zeit für die AKA), aber nun kehrt wieder etwas Ruhe ein.  Nach dem Lesen von deinem Post wollte ich mal schauen, wie es dir derweil geht. Ich hoffe, alles im grünen Bereich?  Wegen deiner Lebersorgen denke ich, es wäre natürlich ideal, wenn du mit weiteren Hashimoto Patienten in Kontakt treten könntest, die, ebenso wie du, ebenfalls anderweitig von Kratom profitieren, aber wie findet man die? Einige aus dem Forum schauen sich schon um und ich hoffe, dass dabei was  rauskommt.  Nebenbei erwähnt, ich gestalte inzwischen Plakatwände (Real Voices of Kratom) … ich weiss nicht, ob du vielleicht schon welche davon gesehen hast? Jedenfalls, es handelt sich um wahrheitsgetreue Aussagen von Kratomnutzern, mit realem Namen unterschrieben (oft auch mit Foto), auf grünen, virtuellen Plakatwänden abgebildet.  Von diesem Projekt versprechen wir uns, als Patienten wahrgenommen zu werden, echte Menschen mit echten Krankheiten, denen Kratom hilft. Dazu haben wir eine Webseite gegründet: ... wenn du mal Lust hast und vorbeischauen magst.  Machs gut derweil und a Trumm Busserl!  ;) ~ Funny
@'FunnyGermanGirl': > Servus Karl :) > > wir hatten Besuch aus Deutschland und ich war dadurch eine Weile lang ziemlich vereinnahmt (kaum Zeit für die AKA), aber nun kehrt wieder etwas Ruhe ein.  > Nach dem Lesen von deinem Post wollte ich mal schauen, wie es dir derweil geht. Ich hoffe, alles im grünen Bereich?  > Wegen deiner Lebersorgen denke ich, es wäre natürlich ideal, wenn du mit weiteren Hashimoto Patienten in Kontakt treten könntest, die, ebenso wie du, ebenfalls anderweitig von Kratom profitieren, aber wie findet man die? Einige aus dem Forum schauen sich schon um und ich hoffe, dass dabei was  rauskommt.  > Nebenbei erwähnt, ich gestalte inzwischen Plakatwände (Real Voices of Kratom) … ich weiss nicht, ob du vielleicht schon welche davon gesehen hast? Jedenfalls, es handelt sich um wahrheitsgetreue Aussagen von Kratomnutzern, mit realem Namen unterschrieben (oft auch mit Foto), auf grünen, virtuellen Plakatwänden abgebildet.  > Von diesem Projekt versprechen wir uns, als Patienten wahrgenommen zu werden, echte Menschen mit echten Krankheiten, denen Kratom hilft. Dazu haben wir eine Webseite gegründet: ... wenn du mal Lust hast und vorbeischauen magst.  > > Machs gut derweil und a Trumm Busserl!  ;) > ~ Funny * * * Hi Funny! Thank you and how are you? your posters look great. I currently take until I know more, just a teaspoon of kratom a week. That has to be enough for the moment and I'm fine too.
@'FunnyGermanGirl': > Servus Karl :) > > wir hatten Besuch aus Deutschland und ich war dadurch eine Weile lang ziemlich vereinnahmt (kaum Zeit für die AKA), aber nun kehrt wieder etwas Ruhe ein.  > Nach dem Lesen von deinem Post wollte ich mal schauen, wie es dir derweil geht. Ich hoffe, alles im grünen Bereich?  > Wegen deiner Lebersorgen denke ich, es wäre natürlich ideal, wenn du mit weiteren Hashimoto Patienten in Kontakt treten könntest, die, ebenso wie du, ebenfalls anderweitig von Kratom profitieren, aber wie findet man die? Einige aus dem Forum schauen sich schon um und ich hoffe, dass dabei was  rauskommt.  > Nebenbei erwähnt, ich gestalte inzwischen Plakatwände (Real Voices of Kratom) … ich weiss nicht, ob du vielleicht schon welche davon gesehen hast? Jedenfalls, es handelt sich um wahrheitsgetreue Aussagen von Kratomnutzern, mit realem Namen unterschrieben (oft auch mit Foto), auf grünen, virtuellen Plakatwänden abgebildet.  > Von diesem Projekt versprechen wir uns, als Patienten wahrgenommen zu werden, echte Menschen mit echten Krankheiten, denen Kratom hilft. Dazu haben wir eine Webseite gegründet: ... wenn du mal Lust hast und vorbeischauen magst.  > > Machs gut derweil und a Trumm Busserl!  ;) > ~ Funny There has to be a way to translate this! (Funny German girl, real funny! {get it?!lol “funnygermangirl}
@'Rob83': > There has to be a way to translate this! (Funny German girl, real funny! {get it?!lol “funnygermangirl} :huh: I know….it’s all in like....France land talk....if only there was some website Or program thingie we could type in questions and stuff and had it look up facts and stuff...... :angel:
Hello, here is the english translation from funny girl - sorry for talking German: We had a visit from Germany and I was pretty much involved for a while (hardly any time for the AKA), but now comes back some peace. After reading your post, I wanted to see how you are doing. I hope everything goes well? Because of your liver trouble, I think it would be ideal if you could get in touch with other Hashimoto patients who, like you, also benefit from kratom, but how do you find them? Some from the forum are already looking around and I hope that this comes out. Incidentally, I'm creating billboards (Real Voices of Kratom) … I do not know if you've already seen any of them? In any case, they are truthful statements by kratom users, signed with a real name (often with a photo), displayed on green, virtual billboards. From this project, we promise to be perceived as patients, real people with real diseases that kratom helps. For this we have a website founded: ... if you feel like it and want to stop by. Well done well and a drumm Busserl! beck ~ Funny Greatings to all Karl
^^sweet, thanks karl! i thought i saw @funnygermangirl post in english before? idk what is the 'Hashimoto patients'??
@'Rob83': > ^^sweet, thanks karl! > i thought i saw @funnygermangirl post in english before? idk > what is the 'Hashimoto patients'?? Sorry Rob, for writing in Kraut… :hiding:  Hashimoto is a disease that Karl is suffering from, and we've been trying to find some people for him with the same condition so they can exchange experiences and advise. Do you by chance happen to know someone?    :) ~ Funny
@'FunnyGermanGirl': > Sorry Rob, for writing in Kraut… :hiding:  Hashimoto is a disease that Karl is suffering from, and we've been trying to find some people for him with the same condition so they can exchange experiences and advise. Do you by chance happen to know someone?    > > :) ~ Funny What she said ^^^  :shy: _*She said it so much better than I could have tho…  _
@'FunnyGermanGirl': > Sorry Rob, for writing in Kraut… :hiding:  Hashimoto is a disease that Karl is suffering from, and we've been trying to find some people for him with the same condition so they can exchange experiences and advise. Do you by chance happen to know someone?    > > :) ~ Funny ohhh, got it… i'll have to look up hashimoto. not familiar with it.