hey @Daniel-Cox & @pharmatree

hey @Daniel-Cox & @pharmatree welcome to the #kratomapp! How long have you been using kratom?

Hello! About three years for me.

@pharmatree very nice any particular vendor or strain you recommend?

I'm a vender myself so I recommend kratonium.weebly.com!  But I didn't intend to spam anybody when I joined! I just wanted to be a part of the Kratom group.😬

@pharmatree I am one of the owners of the #kratomapp. We want to encourage vendor discussion from both vendors and users. I think I approved your request to join the USA vendors group. If you want to post your ads, promotions, or competitions in there that's ok with us. Or if you want we can make you a group that you can post what ever you like in to. If you have a FB or reddit group we can also back that up for you