I’ve got a support question? I

I’ve got a support question? I’m planning on starting to sell kratom in the Appalachian region, I already have a head shop business owner who said he would sell my product , I’m looking to break kilos down and repackage them I have a supplier who sells only organic kratom that’s been tested for heavy metals .. I’m not planning on being a huge supplier but would like some times as far as packaging possibly and labeling ? If you guys could give me any tips I’d appreciate.. I know it’s kinda stupid to ask competitors for help but I’d really appreciate it .

well in W.V. It’s just now becoming vary popular and there isn’t a vary good selection at all .. I’m not looking to make big money 200gram bags for for $30 dollars here and I found a supplier in the states who is selling  lab tested kilos for $50 there’s 1000grams in a kilo? So I don’t see how there is no no money to be made ? Maybe not a lot bu it would be fun ? 

I’d also like to get the shops here to start selling American kratom but obviously with American quality comes a little more price 😬

@guywithtrees I’d love to try raw kratom leaf sometime.