FDA new statment
Regardless, nothing will happen soon. Even if the DEA decides to schedule, it is a very long process and could take years after the process begins. As far as imports go, the FDA is already seizing shipments and have been for years. Fortunately, lots of imports still get through. No need to panic yet…...just continue to fight the good fight.
@'Bizaro22': > Regardless, nothing will happen soon. Even if the DEA decides to schedule, it is a very long process and could take years after the process begins. As far as imports go, the FDA is already seizing shipments and have been for years. Fortunately, lots of imports still get through. No need to panic yet…...just continue to fight the good fight. Sir I wish you were correct but you are very very wrong. Currently the FDA is not seizing shipments, I have been a importer for more than a year now. They did some years ago but it was a hit and miss. All exporters fron Indo where most Kratom comes from do label it correctly and follow the law. All the FDA has to do is place a ban and that it man no more Kratom. Your kind of thinking though it sounds nice is a bad way to think it gives folk a very false sense of security. The DEA is another story and yes it may take a while with them but the FDA can ban at anytime, currently there is no kind of ban on raw Kratom and if the FDA did stop your Kratom they would be law have to give it back, mostly all they can do is put a long hold on it. Folks need to wake up and not be misguided by what you hope or want to hear. I know most of the in's and outs, I make my living selling Kratom and believe me all Kratom users now should be in a bit of healthy panic and get off their butts and start writing congressmen etc.
Scientists are already coming out against the use of the PHASE model to make policy. Biz is right this fight will be a marathon not a sprint. If we can keep hitting the head the body will die, but they are hitting back and are not afraid to go below the belt. Keep the faith brother we got your back.[http://theakaforum.com/Thread?Kratom-in-the-Media/Kratom-Sciencey-Info/The-pitfalls-of-FDA-computer-model-M-Marks-MD](http://theakaforum.com/Thread?Kratom-in-the-Media/Kratom-Sciencey-Info/The-pitfalls-of-FDA-computer-model-M-Marks-MD)
@'TheAegis': > Scientists are already coming out against the use of the PHASE model to make policy. Biz is right this fight will be a marathon not a sprint. If we can keep hitting the head the body will die, but they are hitting back and are not afraid to go below the belt. Keep the faith brother we got your back.[http://theakaforum.com/Thread?Kratom-in-the-Media/Kratom-Sciencey-Info/The-pitfalls-of-FDA-computer-model-M-Marks-MD](http://theakaforum.com/Thread?Kratom-in-the-Media/Kratom-Sciencey-Info/The-pitfalls-of-FDA-computer-model-M-Marks-MD) You are not at all seeing the clear point of this. It does not matter in anyway what the real truth is about Kratom.  We have one of the most leading scientists that has helped the AKA. He wells knows that the FDA if doing a correct study cannot come up a lie from the FDA is all that is needed to ban it from being imported. This last lie of the FDA on the national networkd is by far the most dangerous statement and it's really all that is needed for a national ban. Maybe it's because I make my living with Kratom that I can see clearly what's going on but folks everyone that can see a good benefit from using Kratom needs to get involved on some level and some level of gov't now. Or it will be too late. Here's what can happen the FDA says at the end of Today Kratom has temporary been ban from importing into the US until further study is done. That's it, get it, so what will you do just say I know it our FDA is bad and that's it!
@'randy1953': > You are not at all seeing the clear point of this. It does not matter in anyway what the real truth is about Kratom.  We have one of the most leading scientists that has helped the AKA. He wells knows that the FDA if doing a correct study cannot come up a lie from the FDA is all that is needed to ban it from being imported. > This last lie of the FDA on the national networkd is by far the most dangerous statement and it's really all that is needed for a national ban. > Maybe it's because I make my living with Kratom that I can see clearly what's going on but folks everyone that can see a good benefit from using Kratom needs to get involved on some level and some level of gov't now. Or it will be too late. Here's what can happen the FDA says at the end of Today Kratom has temporary been ban from importing into the US until further study is done. That's it, get it, so what will you do just say I know it our FDA is bad and that's it! Alright, Randy, you have carefully laid out a list of everything that we; are not, cannot, will not & should not be doing; what specifically do you suggest can & should be done. I am not talking about vague or broad statements I am asking for specifics, ok?
As you can see in the FDA alert which I have screenshot for you.they have already placed an import ban. Actually 2 import bans..the FDA has and is seizing product. But as a regulatory agency they do not have the agents or manpower to be effective at stopping the products from flowing in. They need the DEA which has full interdiction power at ports,airports,border etc to fully stop the import of kratom.
Well Randy, we'll just have to agree to disagree. Just because you import, does not make you an expert at anything. And yes, I was mostly referring to improperly labeled imports and yes, they do usually release what they seize…eventually. And as Aegis just pointed out, they don't have the manpower to enforce a full ban on imports, but its already in place. Your heart might be in the right place but your facts are not.
@'itzatwist': > @'randy1953': > > > You are not at all seeing the clear point of this. It does not matter in anyway what the real truth is about Kratom.  We have one of the most leading scientists that has helped the AKA. He wells knows that the FDA if doing a correct study cannot come up a lie from the FDA is all that is needed to ban it from being imported. > > This last lie of the FDA on the national networkd is by far the most dangerous statement and it's really all that is needed for a national ban. > > Maybe it's because I make my living with Kratom that I can see clearly what's going on but folks everyone that can see a good benefit from using Kratom needs to get involved on some level and some level of gov't now. Or it will be too late. Here's what can happen the FDA says at the end of Today Kratom has temporary been ban from importing into the US until further study is done. That's it, get it, so what will you do just say I know it our FDA is bad and that's it! > > Alright, Randy, you have carefully laid out a list of everything that we; are not, cannot, will not & should not be doing; what specifically do you suggest can & should be done. I am not talking about vague or broad statements I am asking for specifics, ok? All that is need is some common sense here, first if you sell Kratom to others even in a small way then know what you are selling, use a l;ab like I use "Wonderland labs" it's so important because if you are just re-selling you have no idea what is in the product but if you take the extra step it goes a long way in keeping Kratom legal.  congressmen and write them, petitions are good but personal emails go a long way. Above all don't take super relax attitude just because it's legal today does not mean it will tommrow. A little personal responsibility goes a long way folks.
Have you done these thing Randy? Because I know for a fact that everyone responding to you has done more than you could even imagine in this fight. Just because we are not in a panic does not mean we are not doing our share….and then some.
@'Bizaro22': > Well Randy, we'll just have to agree to disagree. Just because you import, does not make you an expert at anything. And yes, I was referring to improperly labeled imports and yes, they do usually release what they seize. And as Aegis just pointed out, they don't have the manpower to do a full ban on imports. Your heart might be in the right place but your facts are n Non no no Biz I know exactly what I am talking about here's some real facts not just opinions which you have given. Fact 1 FDA has never placed a ban on raw Kratom coming into the country. Fact2 and read slowly here if you need too, it takes far less manpower to police raw kratom then it does to open boxes and look for mislabels! Fact 3 I have many bones in this fight and I know how the system works so when I tell you you are misguided you can take it to the bank, nothing personal I so wish you were correct.
@'Bizaro22': > Have you done these thing Randy? Because I know for a fact that everyone responding to you has done more than you could even imagine in this fight. Just because we are not in a panic does not mean we are not doing our share….and then some. Of course I have, listen do you really think I want to loose the kind of living I have now. Not only money but more for helping others! I have personally written to over 70 different congress men, not petition but actual emails. The bottom line is this and then I will make my leave because I clearly see too many here for whatever reason and they may have good reasons I don't know but are using fantasy or magical thinking and are much to relaxed around this issue
i give up….someone else take over....lol!
@'Bizaro22': > i give up….someone else take over....lol! look if people want to believe that a FDA lie cannot result in a outright ban on all raw Kratom coming in then so be it. Bottom line It can and does bottom bottom line DEc in Dec last year gave this to the FDA and told them we are done you handle it, now the FDA just gives a big lie and gave the ball back to the DEA, what's nexts?
@'Bizaro22': > Have you done these thing Randy? Because I know for a fact that everyone responding to you has done more than you could even imagine in this fight. Just because we are not in a panic does not mean we are not doing our share….and then some. This is true, plus we know our vendors extremely well. They do & have for many years taken all of these precautions. I am pleased that you are dedicated & protecting yourself as well as your customers by practicing safe processing with your kratom, these are very important & professional steps to abide by. Sadly, there are vendors, too many vendors, who don't care enough to take these precautions.
The FDA has no jurisdiction over a natural botanical. Have you ever noticed that the FDA never refers to Kratom by its botanical name?? There's a reason for that. And if you have all the facts and don't want to listen to others opinions/facts, then I'm not sure why you posted. Either way, I'm done. I do hope it all works out for you tho…..
@'Bizaro22': > The FDA has no jurisdiction over a natural botanical. Have you ever noticed that the FDA never refers to Kratom by its botanical name?? There's a reason for that. And if you have all the facts and don't want to listen to others opinions/facts, then I'm not sure why you posted. Either way, I'm done. I do hope it all works out for you tho….. Of course they do. Do I need to go into a list of natural botancias that are banned from the US? There are quite a few.. Look I am not upset with you at all, what upsets me is this kind of magical thinking that Kratom will remain legal, it will not unless a whole lot more is done. Personally I would like to see every Kratom vendor in the US fined if they don't have a C of A on what they are selling to folks, be a good start I think. anyhow hope it works out for all here bye
DO NOT mistake my good nature with a blaze' attitude to my advocacy. I have spoken to a PHD researcher and a pharmacologist today, this week I have corresponded with a journalist. Everyone here is doing their part and more, that I do know. Lecturing me has no effect. Perhaps coming at me with a open hand instead of guns ablaze. But i have found that a gunfighter will find an excuse to use their guns. So lets try this again….welcome to the forum Randy
@'TheAegis': > DO NOT mistake my good nature with a blaze' attitude to my advocacy. I have spoken to a PHD researcher and a pharmacologist today, this week I have corresponded with a journalist. Everyone here is doing their part and more, that I do know. Lecturing me has no effect. Perhaps coming at me with a open hand instead of guns ablaze. But i have found that a gunfighter will find an excuse to use their guns. So lets try this again….welcome to the forum Randy Sorry I hope the things that count are actually done. It still seems like magical thinking. Again the FDA has not nor every banned raw Kratom coming into the US. thats a fact. What they have done is banned and taken products that were mis-labeled or had claims this is very different then taking my 50 kg at a inspection station. But make no mistake it's easy to take bulk raw shipments of Kratom. They are mostly all labeled correctly but to date none of myu shipments been touch why because there is no ban on raw Kratom powder coming into my state. But that can change tomorrow, thats all I am saying and when the FDA comes out with such nonsense like yesterday it needs to get hit hard and needs to get hit in the court of public affairs where it counts! So sense you good people are doing all you can then I need not worry and go back to bagging my Kratom for my customers.. I feel so much better now
@'itzatwist': > @'Bizaro22': > > > Have you done these thing Randy? Because I know for a fact that everyone responding to you has done more than you could even imagine in this fight. Just because we are not in a panic does not mean we are not doing our share….and then some. > > This is true, plus we know our vendors extremely well. They do & have for many years taken all of these precautions. I am pleased that you are dedicated & protecting yourself as well as your customers by practicing safe processing with your kratom, these are very important & professional steps to abide by. Sadly, there are vendors, too many vendors, who don't care enough to take these precautions. thanks but ask a Company like Gaia that is very large and sells crap Kratom at $50 a kg to anyone for a  C of A and he has not one yet he imports over a 1/2 ton or more a week buying it from Indo for $5 a kg! Truth be known most vendors don't even know what a C of A is let alone have one! This is just inviting the FDA to come in and do something, people don't think nor do they act. What do I mean you go to a smoke shop or head shop that sells Kratom ask for a C of A they don't have one never shop in that store again. Granted head shops and smoke shops are not the best place to get Kratom but the majority of users buy from such places! Bottom line anything can be in most Kratom out there, the chinese are very good at this they will buy the cheapest Kratom possible down to a buck or 2 a kg in large amounts then thy have it shipped by boat to their country, then they dust it with a synthetic morphine like compound and presto they have some Kratom that folks think is the best and it's not even the natural alkaloids!
So sense you good people are doing all you can then I need not worry and go back to bagging my Kratom for my customers.. I feel so much better now I assume sarcasm…when you bag their kratom do you include a flyer warning of the fight they need to join...do you enjoin them to join and donate..do you include a list of emails of your state senators...do you offer a product discount if they bring in their congressman's reply to their call or letter. I applaud you for testing your product and would suggest you join the AKA vendor program which is working toward self policing and achieving cGMP certification. Welcome the warrior do not spit upon them because you see them as late to the battle.
@'randy1953': > thanks but ask a Company like Gaia that is very large and sells crap Kratom at $50 a kg to anyone for a  C of A and he has not one yet he imports over a 1/2 ton or more a week buying it from Indo for $5 a kg! > Truth be known most vendors don't even know what a C of A is let alone have one! This is just inviting the FDA to come in and do something, people don't think nor do they act. What do I mean you go to a smoke shop or head shop that sells Kratom ask for a C of A they don't have one never shop in that store again. > Granted head shops and smoke shops are not the best place to get Kratom but the majority of users buy from such places! > Bottom line anything can be in most Kratom out there, the chinese are very good at this they will buy the cheapest Kratom possible down to a buck or 2 a kg in large amounts then thy have it shipped by boat to their country, then they dust it with a synthetic morphine like compound and presto they have some Kratom that folks think is the best and it's not even the natural alkaloids! Ok, Randy, you have passion & that is good. However, you honestly are preaching to the choir here. I have been involved in this fight since long before the AKA even came onboard & others here have also. We are not members of the Apathetics & you will encounter many more like us. Know your audience. There are those that stew & those that do. None of us here enjoy stewing.  As to your specifics, they are very good also & I can assure you that we have been doing all of that & more. Again, know your audience. Now, as new people wake up, & decide to shed their apathy it is our job, you are included in this, to guide them, not blast them &/or scare them back into apathy. THAT is our job, to guide the newly awakened to the revolution. We want them we NEED them, ok? This is why we do not sound wound up, Randy, because we are doing everything you have mentioned & more, LOTS more. It looks like you have also & that is highly commendable so let's show folks how it is done, sound good?
@'TheAegis': > So sense you good people are doing all you can then I need not worry and go back to bagging my Kratom for my customers.. > I feel so much better now > > I assume sarcasm…when you bag their kratom do you include a flyer warning of the fight they need to join...do you enjoin them to join and donate..do you include a list of emails of your state senators...do you offer a product discount if they bring in their congressman's reply to their call or letter. I applaud you for testing your product and would suggest you join the AKA vendor program which is working toward self policing and achieving cGMP certification. Welcome the warrior do not spit upon them because you see them as late to the battle. Actually some of your suggestions are very good thanks. Gives me a great idea I can probably fit all that is needed on a one page flyer! I was happy to see this AKA doing something on the update page so at least I can leave feeling better (no sarcasm) and with a few good ideas. I will think about the AKA vendor program, right now I am working on getting my inventory high enough so if something crazy does happen I can still service my customers for sometime, it's no small feat. My average customer will normally through a month use up a kg so it takes many many keys just to fulfill that portion.
@'randy1953': > @'TheAegis': > > > So sense you good people are doing all you can then I need not worry and go back to bagging my Kratom for my customers.. > > I feel so much better now > > > > I assume sarcasm…when you bag their kratom do you include a flyer warning of the fight they need to join...do you enjoin them to join and donate..do you include a list of emails of your state senators...do you offer a product discount if they bring in their congressman's reply to their call or letter. I applaud you for testing your product and would suggest you join the AKA vendor program which is working toward self policing and achieving cGMP certification. Welcome the warrior do not spit upon them because you see them as late to the battle. > > Actually some of your suggestions are very good thanks. Gives me a great idea I can probably fit all that is needed on a one page flyer! > I was happy to see this AKA doing something on the update page so at least I can leave feeling better (no sarcasm) and with a few good ideas. > I will think about the AKA vendor program, right now I am working on getting my inventory high enough so if something crazy does happen I can still service my customers for sometime, it's no small feat. My average customer will normally through a month use up a kg so it takes many many keys just to fulfill that portion. If you are interested in The AKA Vendor program here is the email that was sent out: The AKA has launched ther Retailers Membership Program. If you Are a Vendor, and want to be involved, please send an email to **info@americankratom.org**  There was an email sent out, but if we did not have your info, please update us. Feel free to share this info with your groups and any and all vendors you know. We will not be answering questions regarding this program except thru that email.  Thank you all. #IAMKRATOM #TEAMAKA #KEEPKRATOMLEGAL
@'itzatwist': > If you are interested in The AKA Vendor program here is the email that was sent out: > > The AKA has launched ther Retailers Membership Program. If you Are a Vendor, and want to be involved, please send an email to **info@americankratom.org**  There was an email sent out, but if we did not have your info, please update us. Feel free to share this info with your groups and any and all vendors you know. We will not be answering questions regarding this program except thru that email.  >   > Thank you all. > > #IAMKRATOM > #TEAMAKA > #KEEPKRATOMLEGAL Thank you :)
@'randy1953': > @'TheAegis': > > > So sense you good people are doing all you can then I need not worry and go back to bagging my Kratom for my customers.. > > I feel so much better now > > > > I assume sarcasm…when you bag their kratom do you include a flyer warning of the fight they need to join...do you enjoin them to join and donate..do you include a list of emails of your state senators...do you offer a product discount if they bring in their congressman's reply to their call or letter. I applaud you for testing your product and would suggest you join the AKA vendor program which is working toward self policing and achieving cGMP certification. Welcome the warrior do not spit upon them because you see them as late to the battle. > > Actually **ALL** of your suggestions are very good thanks. Gives me a great idea I can probably fit all that is needed on a one page flyer! > I was happy to see this AKA doing something on the update page so at least I can leave feeling better (no sarcasm) and with a few good ideas. > I will think about the AKA vendor program, right now I am working on getting my inventory high enough so if something crazy does happen I can still service my customers for sometime, it's no small feat. My average customer will normally through a month use up a kg so it takes many many keys just to fulfill that portion. I fixed your reply (lol)…a _simple_ error to make..If you would like a sounding board for your advocacy please stop by one of my posts and say hello..the beginning is calling your congressman not the end. I look forward to seeing you on the forum.