The new Kratom trees are budding out.

Spring is here indeed. 





 ....and lots of cuttings to make many more clones.... aiming at 50 MORE  clones to continue the Kratom Research Foundation plantation.... 


  Ooops, a Hibiscus got in here....

These are actually 'air layering rooted' clones, buried deep,  with roots developed. Ready to be cut free and potted.

New cloning post coming soon. Preparing the plantation....

last edited by peteypyro

Our trees are starting to put out all new growth. All the ones that had gone dormant are all new buds piping out.

Everything I have in pots is budding now, but almost all trees in ground are behind this year and still fairly dormant. 😓

wow those are some nice looking leaves. wish mine were producing that right now. 

@guywithtrees Alaska fish food, and they did get a head start with the seed starter heating pad to stimulate root and general growth.

i have been laying mulch piles down almost daily and dumping water on them so hopefully that pays off. just trying to get them to rainy season.Â