I'm being overrun by kratom. I started with a small little Nursery area and everything has outgrown. some of the trees that I planted in the area planted a little too close together. I really got to get off my butt and expand my area
@will "hiding in plain sight" contest...
find 9 trees hiding in plain sight, and win..... nothing. 😜@will WHAT?! Neighbors are so nosy! Why not ASK YOU, “whatcha growing?”
I guess I’m unusual because I don’t worry about neighbor activities unless it’s activity in my space. But, my Mom is always into neighbor business and even got busted peeping in a hole in the fence recently! Maybe I was adopted. I don’t snoop when I do pet sitting assignments either and she would be looking in drawers n stuff if she were alone in someone else’s house 😳
People can ask...but now we have the “no mask” vigilantes everywhere....calling cops because the neighbor is mowing without a mask (and should be indoors!), for example...
@peteypyro Great Shot! are you using a anomorphic lenses or are you doing panorama?
@will said:
<p>Reminds me of a time where my local city at the time came to inspect my back garden. They were very curious what was growing so quickly back there. Was probably the neighbor next door that called code enforcement.</p>
"What are these beauties called?" - code enforcement
@guywithtrees I cheated. I'm using digital edit zoom. 😉