My Tree of 5 years has finally

My Tree of 5 years has finally flowered! I am so excited! Does anyone have tips on the best time to harvest the seed pods? I am guessing its best to wait until after they have flowered and dried on the tree a little bit but I have no clue honestly! This is a first for me, any tips would be greatly appreciated!

I never would have guessed that Kratom trees can smell good too! Smells like a mix of honeysuckle/jasmine to me!

@keegan_etc That is so cool! Glad to see another American grower with some flowers growing! Please keep us updated would love to see how they grow. Is it the whole tree or just parts of the tree? How old and tall is it? 

@keegan_etc Here is a video on how seed pods develop 

@keegan_etc Ours usually reach highest viability in January/ Febuary. 

@guywithtrees Awesome! Thank you so much for the information. This will help save me a lot of trial and error. Yall are the bees knees!

@guywithtrees This tree is 5 years old, seems like only the left side of the tree is flowering at the moment. I bought a tiny, unrooted cutting from an ebay seller in 2015 and she has been with me ever since💚

@keegan_etc very nice!  Our oldest 12 year old trees started flowering at about 5 years old. Here is one of them. This tree has been flowering for the past 27 months straight and has produced flowering cuttings that flowered at 3 months old and 12 months old. Here is some drone footage from last week. 

congrats on the flowers, I look forward to the day mine finally start to bloom

@roadkill Thanks amigo! Took a long time with lots of failures along the way but its all worth it now!

@keegan_etc that’s awesome! Mine also started flowering recently. Unfortunately they’re spread out so it’s been hard to pollinate by rubbing them together.  I started using a q-tip that I keep in a baggie to gather the pollen and transfer it to other flowers.