Big repotting coming up...FABR

Big repotting coming up...


 big bags of stuff to mix... and bricks of coir... yummy Kratom sandwich...... and 2 overgrown rootbound Kratoms...

 poor guys are wilting. Need water 2~3 times daily..... bet they're rootbound!  lets see.....    

 <to be cont'd >

I love fabric pots. Be sure to keep them off the ground so they get some airflow underneath. I picked up these elevators from my local hydro store. He sold them at a fraction of the price amazon was charging. 

@pete2000 Thanks. Thats a great idea to lift the pots for airflow.  I almost forgot that the air-pruning feature of fabric requires them to be air around them. And under them too. I bet 50 gallons of planter is heavy when watered too. 400+ lbs heavy.😮