Hi everyone, I just wanted to

Hi everyone, I just wanted to post a 1 year update on my kratom plant. She has about 18 flowers coming in. The leaves are huge now too. Wondering when I should start pruning?

last edited by Issy

Wow that’s amazing that she’s blooming! I would be inclined to hold off pruning if she just started flowering. Great pics!

@Issy holly cow! I would def leave it alone and wait for another 2 years before pruning. Allow it to grow. That is super encouraging to see cuttings from our tree are producing seed pods even a year into development!!!

last edited by guywithtrees

@issy incredibly awesome!!!

Thank you for checking in and giving us an update.

Definitely hold off on the pruning. But I'd definitely pick off some of the uglier leaf and give it a chew. Preferably with some sugar.

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great photo. You give me hope for mine to bloom.😄

Really cool! Did you do anything to make it grow pods?

it's amazing to me that it is flowering


Can you let us know what you’ve been using for fertilizer?