Recent study looking at fertil

Recent study looking at fertilization effects on some of the alkaloids in Kratom plants.

Effects of Nutrient Fertility on Growth and Alkaloidal Content in Mitragyna speciosa (Kratom)

I didn’t see much earth shattering in the study. The authors took a bunch of clones from one mother and grew them at a greenhouse in Apopka, Fl. to study the effects of nitrogen fertilization on plant growth and alkaloid content. 

Results showed that the more fertilizer used, the larger the plant. That fertilizer levels had no effect on mitra, and that some of the lesser known alkaloids actually produced higher levels using less fertilizer. 

It’s great to see some real research being done specifically on Kratom cultivation, I really hope they continue with it. 

Looks like this is part of, or in conjunction with, the UF Kratom study. I see McCurdy’s name along with a bunch of others I’m not familiar with. 

@will @guywithtrees might be worth reaching out to the authors to see if they’d like some new clones or other support. Would be great to see KWD participating in this research.

Nice post! I recognize one of the names as he came down here to take cuttings and seed pod. Although I was assured that the sources were to be anonymous. :)

I'm going to make a category just for research articles. I have about 20 pdfs I can add to it too, would be great to centralize some of this stuff.

last edited by will
A new section would be great. I’ve seen a couple other new studies around that I can add.

This is fascinating! I'd love to hear more followup

I expect most good studies will take a lot of time and effort however. It seems age and sunlight/UV exposure affect alkaloid development the most?

Will which kratom got this many changes on the app?! A white with green ? Hahahaha. Just teasing...thanks for the cool updates!  Looks great!

last edited by Laurie

i recognize the good doctor's name too 👍 

@will Yes, the pyro had a visit from a guy with trees. lol 🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲

I contacted McCurdy and offered my plants and assistance in any way I can with his studies. He acknowledged contact and said he would get with me if I could be of assistance

@roadkill bad ass man! Thank you for helping the cause. :)