Rofl, I'd fence in the chickens. No need to make it harder to get to your tree. The plant is to young for animals to start eating it's leaf. But funny situation to be in. This little Piggy likes to munch on Kratom as well. Sometimes he will munch om it while it's still on the tree. He mainly goes for the easiest leaf. https://youtu.be/tG308RrOFfw I'd recommend planting Lima beans as well near the tree. It will comtiuously pump nitrogen onto the soil. https://youtu.be/6s6j-VrF1rE
So my solution was to move the plants, so I moved them to a different area. It's not my favorite area cuz they'll get full sun all day and the soil wasn't quite as good and this area can be seen from the road. I'm a little weird about that since the future of this plant is fairly uncertain. With all the Kratom cafes and stupid shit I see going on I suspect they're going to do something at some point.https://photos.smugmug.com/photos/i-FpJ6HpT/0/cb193e4a/XL/i-FpJ6HpT-XL.jpg
@roadkill I don't blame you for wanting to take procautions. I will say it is very hard to tell it's a Kratom tree from the side of a road. They do look like any other tree. I can spot Kratom because i look at my trees so often. But to the average consumer or to someone who doesn't consume there's no way they could tell. I would look at planting bamboo, bananna, palms, or anything else that gives dense foliage. I'd recommend bamboo if possible as it's quickest growing and the toughest to get thru. I'd also recommend digging holes and addid PVC tubing to the roots so you can dump fish emulsion down to feed the roots.
How old is your tree, Roadkill? It appears to be growing very regularly. Do you get sun year round?
Fence in the chickens better than having them scamps run amuck
@SubstanceTheSqid those are fairly Young I think they're about 5-8 months old and I get good weather year-round for the most part sun all the time
@roadkill they look very healthy for their age. Should do great where there at. How tall are you going to let them get?
Awesome! When you moved the trees did you burry them with something to hold the moisture? Down here our soil is really fast draining and I'm finding that supplementing with peat moss or coconut husk as a great medium to buffer that out a little, leading to healthier trees from the get go.
last edited by will
@will no I did not and in hindsight I really wish I had I'm not going to dig them up again though going to be the third time that won't make him happy
@guywithtrees if I could let him grow as naturally as they would I would choose that path. I'm not sure how to protect these things from our occasional winter freezes shorter would be more manageable. So I guess to answer your question I'm not really sure yet. Always open to information from those that know a lot more than I do
@roadkill water more frequently in winter. And for a bit longer. Have u thought about getting a space heater? And how cold does it get?
@guywithtrees it has gotten as low as the low twenties. Last two years haven't been too bad though I think we only had one night that was in high 20s the rest of the cold nights were in the 30s. A space heater or something similar may not be a bad route
@roadkill you do not have a choice with temps that low u will need a space heater. They will not survive below 35.
Perhaps you could build a small greenhouse around each plant to protect from wind. Or give the place a space heater to work. Overwintering kratom is new territory and a noble quest!